2024 is a year of writing not reading. With that being said there is only so much writing I can do. So, I have limited myself to 1 book a week. That way i spend my free time with my real challenge of the year. Write TWO books!
Do I believe it can happen? No.
Will I push myself to make it happen, mainly because I don't think it will happen? Hell Yes!
Book #2 has already started, not getting far, and as I write this post I am suffering through writer's block. I had originally planned on finishing writing Book #2 by now and have it sent off to the edit by now. Barely 1/7 of it is written so that isn't happening, which means I won't have it for Dreaming Dirty in Maryland 2024 convention.
That upsets me more than having writer's block.
And what do I do when I suffer a block? (or emotional turmoil?) I read.
On my last attempt at this site, I posted book reviews of the books I have read so far, they didn't save/post. Hence, I decided to rewrite my "New Year's resolution" now, and then repost my book reviews.
My main blog thread will be "Death by TBR." This year I am attempting to conquer the TBR. To do that, I have typed up 90% of my TBR piles from my shelves and placed them in a crystal ball. I will shake it up and pick one at random. If you want to see this in action look at my TikTok profile @Tattooedbibliophile.
Another way I plan to conquer the TBR pile is to try not to buy more books. Now don't get me wrong, I will be buying books. I am going to a book convention as an Author, I would never make that goal if I didn't give myself rules. I am only allowed to buy three books this year that are new to me books. It's either the 1st in a series or completely new to me. Other than that, it must be either an exclusive edition, bought & signed at a convention, or a series continuous of a series I already own.
Shouldn't it be hard right? I have rules and three freebies. I am going to try! Don't Laugh all you book lovers.